Monday, February 2, 2009


You and I are friends
You laugh, I laugh
You cry,i I cry

You scream, I scream
You run, I run
You jump, I jump

But now you have a new friend
You leave me alone
I hope you happy with your new friends
You still my best friends


  1. sad...but dunt worry..i want to be your friend...hahaha...i cant leave u alone...friendship forever...

  2. HAHaaahaaa....
    dOnt worry...
    We are alWayS friends...
    iF U have aNy ProBlemS, Just TelL Me...
    INsYaALLAH i Can HELp YoU...

  3. what a sad poem..well, for me, it's good because you don't have to friend with such a hypocrite person anymore. next step just go and find your true friend.good luck! kuku_jam is not bad..

  4. ow what'r sad poem,,,is that your bad moment with your friend,,i hope it would not happen to me...emm,,,dont worry for thus who had this situation, let your friend go because there are other person whoes willing to be your friend and for others be a true friend...

  5. *sigh*..what a touching poem!!..
    when you got a friends like that..
    don't hate them k..
    maybe they will take a few times about that..
    do remember them in our prayers..
    with ALLAH's greatest they will come back to us..

  6. sad. My heart is crying. Im very lucky because my friend still remember and contact me. She not leave me alone. For me without friend my life no meaning. I hope ALLAH bless her.

  7. yEahh....
    iF u friends Want to suicide,
    are U folloW them..??
